Testing... 1... 2... Testing.... i7im ....i7im....
yalla the mics are good see you all tonight at the opening ceremony dont be late we have to be on stage before all the guests are in.
Im all dressed up ready to go to the ceremony, held by my dear Friends Mu.Sij, Reina, and Khaizarana. The reason for the ceremony is a surprise "I wonder to who???"
I enter the ballroom atimaqal yimeen yisaar this is a very important event alot of nice looking people o athabitli cham wa7id mingling around us ;) i find my lovely friends "waaay shmili7om Caikaat" ;p I say hi totally unformally o seeda I head to Khaizaranas ear and I whisper "chayaktay hatha 7addaa 7ilow" ihya titlafat it'thabta witgooli eee 7adda o nith7ak.
6ab3an Reina o Mu Sij being the malageefs they are shafona nitsasar o nith'tha7ak leaned towards us yitsami3oon. "Yarabi 3alaihom qa9ib i3arfoon kilshay hehe." Khaizarana and I play stupid for a second bas ma nigdar shway shway we form a circle o nabdi with all our gossip, forgetting ina were at a party and disregrding the people around us showing interest only to the mawthoo3 ili ga3ad inaqsha and giving our "oos" and "aaah's" about the interesting topics.
After 30min of Gossiping:
We are lead to our table, the 4 of us imga3ideen yam ba3ath in the most strategic location "a97ab il 7afl ba3ad shtaboon?" 6ab3an kil wa7da feeni tabi tarkith o tig3ad ib a7san kirsiy 3ashan tshoof il nas ili darmadarna hehe "ingi9 3alla mino? Psssshhhht... the correct word is nabi nshof il awlad ili darmadarna. Nothing bad bas inmati3 nathiraina ;)"
The lights are dimmed o the presenter o firqita are ready onstage he says his hello's and a not so interesting introduction cham nikta ahnee ahnak itha7ikna "YAAWN, amlaq!" Then he says one word that begins the Party ;)
"Yalla ya jima3a 3a6oona 9afga qawiya"
Il 7ithoor including us girls, na36eehom sharbika ma9arat walla stowat... Chak...Chak...Chak...Chak...
Chakak Chikik... Chakak Chikik...
Chak Chikichum Chukum Chukum Chak....
3ashaw 3ashaw il 7athreen, goes the presenter all smiles, yalla 3alla hal 9afga il 7ilwa aqadimlikom thaifat il sharaf ili oqmna il 7afla 3ashanha, our latest addition to 3ishna-o-Shifna, the cute, adorable, loving, flamboyant...
"Hummm... what else?? Il mohim every compliment you have ever heard of :P"
Noor hal blog... :$ .... Drumrolls... flashing lights..... FULLAAAAAAAAAAAAA..... then the lights are all focused on me "ya7laili ga3da sh7alati mabain il 7othoor ath'7ak wa6ali3 my friends in a aya 7ameer/ I LOVE U kind of way " I am urged to get up Humbly on stage i say my thank you's give away my fly kisses "I meant them for my friends bas they were a good way of turning the guys on ;P hehehe walla ini shai6anaa (A) "My cheeks turned the darkest shade of red, since if it were a light shade it would not be visible on my dark skin tone :) "ya7laili walla, ashawig" Arid mokani ag3ad sakta watibosam for all the people around me, my cheeks are still red o for some reason its now hot in this qa3a!
"T3arfooni 7ayawiya, :$ too much attention for one day!"
I turn to my friends waaaaaay Fidaitkom kil hatha 7agi alim kil wa7da feehom kil wa7da tha7katha shagga il wayh :D
5ali9at 7aflatna binaja7in kabeer, o abashirkom Mu. Sij, Reina, o Khaizarana... let the parties begin ;D
Fulla ;*