Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ثلوج في الكويت

eeeee see the title!!

it is TRUE ana 6ab3an ma9adagt il7achi ila lama shift ib 3aini!

a5aleekum ma3a hal 9owar:D

ثلوج في الكويت

كتب حمود البغيلي:«مفاجأة غير متوقعة.. ولم تخطر على بالي.. ثلوج في الكويت!» بهذه الكلمات بدأ بدر الجلاوي حديثه بينما كان يهم بالدخول الى ديوانية حمد البغيلي في ضاحية عبدالله المبارك. هناك من بادره بالقول «مستحيل.. أنت تتغشمر»، وآخر بدأ يضحك. ولكن سرعان ما التقط هاتفه النقال وقال «شوفوا الصور».تسارعت الأعين لمشاهدة الصور التي كانت عبارة عن ثلج، ولكن ليس في الكويت وانما في احدى مناطق أوروبا أو بلودان أو لبنان. وللتأكيد طلبت منه ان يصطحبني الى موقع الثلج الذي لا يبعد عنا سوى ثلاث دقائق، فلما وصلت لم أصدق ما رأيت من هول المفاجأة: أطفال يلعبون بالثلج في الكويت.التقطت الكاميرا الخاصة بي لألتقط هذه الصور الجميلة التي قد لا تتكرر في الكويت ذات المناخ الحار.تجولت في الشوارع التي غطتها الثلوج، وكنت أشعر في داخلي بأنني لست في الكويت، خصوصا انني نسيت ان درجة الحرارة في هذه اللحظة كانت أقل من 13 درجة!سارعت خطواتي لأصل الى سيارتي واتوجه بعدها الى «القبس» وأنا لا أصدق ما شاهدته، فمن ضاحية عبدالله المبارك الى الجريدة مسافة ليست بالطويلة، لكنها امتدت مع امتداد هواجسي ما بين الحقيقة والخيال، والحلم والواقع، والفرحة والسرور


Sunday, March 29, 2009


Once upon a time there was a princess. Along came a prince who asked her if she'd like to ride on his white horse. She said, "I'd like to take a ride on your horse, but I can't right now because I'm little busy getting my own horse. Go ride off into the sunset without me, and I'll catch up to you a little later." Suddenly, the prince is dumbfounded. He's never heard anything like this before. Something clicks inside him, and it starts a fire within him that he can't put out, because she doesn't need him. And then he says,"I have to be with her for the rest of my life."

Then they fall in love, marry and ride off into the sunset. and then she tortures him... lovingly ever after.



Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nikta ;)

I have a nikta hehe "I feel naughty writing this" :P Ok its kinda wa95a bas its really funny to ignore i have to share it ;D

Ibdewiy rayi7 il safara il Amrekiya i6ali3 Visa,

The employee(american): Name please?

Bdewiy: 7amood

American: Sex? "and dont ask why hes asking about the sex when he can see it :P"

Bdewiy: 6 times a week "hehe"

American: No i meant Male or Female?

Bdewiy: both Male and Female, and sometimes even camel ;D

American: Holy Cow!! :S

Bdewiy: YES, cows and dogs too...

American: Man, isnt that hostile??

Bdewiy: Horsestyle, dogstyle, any style ;)

American: OH DEAR!!

Bdewiy: no dear :( they ran soo fast!!

hahahahahahahaha ;P I laugh at this nikta kil marra asma3ha ;P thanks to my angelic brother who shared it with me :D hehe such a devil he is!!!


ya jima3a sim3aw il words walla theyre very magical ;*


so what do u think???
haha il moshkila kint a3ayib 3alla o5oy for listening to this crap, walla now i know why he does it ;D

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


ya jima3t il5air nabee 9afgaaa yibaaaab oo tashjeeee3 oo tar7eeeeb oo tahleeeeel... 7ag mino ya turaa

ra7baw ma3aaaaw

masmaaaa3 9afgaaaaaaaaaaw!!



ya hala oo mas-hala oo mar7aaba

hala bili lifani ya hala bah 3adad dagat galbi min ghiyaba

eee na3am sharikatna fulla yal fullat kilaha hehehehhehehe
yala ra7baw feeeeha bil comments ili mayra7ib bi9eer fe shay:P

luv ya FULLA (huggggggggz);*



Testing... 1... 2... Testing.... i7im ....i7im....
yalla the mics are good see you all tonight at the opening ceremony dont be late we have to be on stage before all the guests are in.

Im all dressed up ready to go to the ceremony, held by my dear Friends Mu.Sij, Reina, and Khaizarana. The reason for the ceremony is a surprise "I wonder to who???"

I enter the ballroom atimaqal yimeen yisaar this is a very important event alot of nice looking people o athabitli cham wa7id mingling around us ;) i find my lovely friends "waaay shmili7om Caikaat" ;p I say hi totally unformally o seeda I head to Khaizaranas ear and I whisper "chayaktay hatha 7addaa 7ilow" ihya titlafat it'thabta witgooli eee 7adda o nith7ak.
6ab3an Reina o Mu Sij being the malageefs they are shafona nitsasar o nith'tha7ak leaned towards us yitsami3oon. "Yarabi 3alaihom qa9ib i3arfoon kilshay hehe." Khaizarana and I play stupid for a second bas ma nigdar shway shway we form a circle o nabdi with all our gossip, forgetting ina were at a party and disregrding the people around us showing interest only to the mawthoo3 ili ga3ad inaqsha and giving our "oos" and "aaah's" about the interesting topics.

After 30min of Gossiping:
We are lead to our table, the 4 of us imga3ideen yam ba3ath in the most strategic location "a97ab il 7afl ba3ad shtaboon?" 6ab3an kil wa7da feeni tabi tarkith o tig3ad ib a7san kirsiy 3ashan tshoof il nas ili darmadarna hehe "ingi9 3alla mino? Psssshhhht... the correct word is nabi nshof il awlad ili darmadarna. Nothing bad bas inmati3 nathiraina ;)"

The lights are dimmed o the presenter o firqita are ready onstage he says his hello's and a not so interesting introduction cham nikta ahnee ahnak itha7ikna "YAAWN, amlaq!" Then he says one word that begins the Party ;)
"Yalla ya jima3a 3a6oona 9afga qawiya"
Il 7ithoor including us girls, na36eehom sharbika ma9arat walla stowat... Chak...Chak...Chak...Chak...
Chakak Chikik... Chakak Chikik...
Chak Chikichum Chukum Chukum Chak....
3ashaw 3ashaw il 7athreen, goes the presenter all smiles, yalla 3alla hal 9afga il 7ilwa aqadimlikom thaifat il sharaf ili oqmna il 7afla 3ashanha, our latest addition to 3ishna-o-Shifna, the cute, adorable, loving, flamboyant...
"Hummm... what else?? Il mohim every compliment you have ever heard of :P"
Noor hal blog... :$ .... Drumrolls... flashing lights..... FULLAAAAAAAAAAAAA..... then the lights are all focused on me "ya7laili ga3da sh7alati mabain il 7othoor ath'7ak wa6ali3 my friends in a aya 7ameer/ I LOVE U kind of way " I am urged to get up Humbly on stage i say my thank you's give away my fly kisses "I meant them for my friends bas they were a good way of turning the guys on ;P hehehe walla ini shai6anaa (A) "My cheeks turned the darkest shade of red, since if it were a light shade it would not be visible on my dark skin tone :) "ya7laili walla, ashawig" Arid mokani ag3ad sakta watibosam for all the people around me, my cheeks are still red o for some reason its now hot in this qa3a!
"T3arfooni 7ayawiya, :$ too much attention for one day!"
I turn to my friends waaaaaay Fidaitkom kil hatha 7agi alim kil wa7da feehom kil wa7da tha7katha shagga il wayh :D

5ali9at 7aflatna binaja7in kabeer, o abashirkom Mu. Sij, Reina, o Khaizarana... let the parties begin ;D

Fulla ;*

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I saw this video o it reminds me of something i saw lately ! see this 1st o gololi 3arftaw ely aqsda aw la ?

wetha ma3rftaw check out this !

fashla ;p ! mako creativity lel asaf ;/!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


ilshams 6al3a oo il3a9afeeer itwa9wi9 weeeee9weeeee9, oo ilward 6ali3 min kil ilalwan ooo il 7ayaah 7ilwa:P

9:00am: GHBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3al arth ghbar 3al jama ghbar kil mukaaaan traaaab..akil trab, asma3 trab.. il7ayaa imghabraa:P

6EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN…. Ma ma6irat ila wagt il ghbaar fa allah isalimkum TRAB + MAY shi9eeeer 6EEEN.. 9ert imnagi6a ib 6eeen : white oo niga6 baij ya salaaaaam il 7aya imnagi6a

iljaw 9ifa oo il bader imnawer ildinya oo barrrrrrrd o oil 7ayaa imbarda

Fe bilad il 3aja2ib:
kil hatha i9eer ib sina.. amma i7na mu5ta9ar mufeeed kila ibyoom wa7id

Il9ib7 thany yoom:
khayzarana itgoom mitwa83a ina iljaw nefs makan bilail fa shatat rasmee bes laaaa iljaw red 3ala ma kan il9b7.. i5awin feeena…. Shlon bafham jawna fasrooli..


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Heeeyy Kilkom
madri shlon i start bas 7adi m3asba !
alla ysalmkom ana insana amot 3ala shay isma sahar i used to it o i just love it

i spend my night chatting ma3a rab3i sisz or watching tv ( rarely) bas fe shay 7ada bkha6ri wedi aswi o mayseer lani 3aysha bel q8 :(


I'm a night person o lazim kel wa7d yfham hal shay o yqadra :( a7b atmasha alone eb my car asma3 my fav songs o asraaa7 eb 3alam thani o elshar3 faaaaaaaaaathiiiii o eljaw 7ilo afta7 el window wel hawa yhef 3alay allaaaaaaaaaaaaaah;*

ya3ni laish mayseer ???
lazim an7ash min baitna ya3ni ? walla every night afker an7ash bas agol lo da3amt shasawi wela lo a7ad chakni ? atwaqa3 lo aswiha ma akon on earth anymore ! :p
min siji abi aswiiha :( ta3abt nafsyan ya3ni mo ma3qola ban6er atzawaj 3ashan eyeli fares a7lami o y7aqeqli hal omnya ymashini belail :) o aslan mabi a7ad ykon ma3ay abi broo7i :(

an7ash ? agub? ahej ?


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


wagfa elyom ba6lb coffe bel jam3a
Wela Wa7da ted3amniii her friend dazt'ha a3arf el bent fa salamt o ta'sefat shwaya wela ashooofha etbosam 7ag el mamlo7 ely hnak wetgola la la no thanks wela ga3d ylazm 3alaiha ena ta3alay gabli el thaher shaf'ha etdazaz awal ma laf wayha :P wela tkhz refijt'ha eb evil look fahmt ena 3ajbha :P ma aloomha yshaweg o t3arf okho kan ma3ha bel school shaklha 7a6a el3ain 3alaih
bashoof eyt6awar el mawtho3 wela la wa36ikom khabar ...

Goooood luck H lol


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mawa8if il Sifar

Ana daymen it7ooshni hal mawa8if bil sifar bes atwa8a3 hem it7oosh il kil

- ana mathker mara rikabt il6ayara oo ga3adt ibmukani il 9iji ili maktoob ib my ticket…lazim agoom abadil wiya obooy wila i5ti wila o5ooy aw omi aw 7itan sha59 thanii malna shighil feeh.. oo min 3gb ma 5alaw ilnas ta7jiz karaseeha 3alnet 5ala9 magomna inshoof wyooh ahaleeena kil wa7d gal3eena ib 9oob

- lama akoon ib ni9 karase ili bil ni9 (loool il jomla it-tha7ik madre itha fahamtaw, bes I ag9id il 3 chairs ili 3ala yimeena oo yisara il mamar oo ana ib ni9 hal karase) ilmuhim oo ana ga3da ib hal kersi tiyeeni ilmutheefa 3al yisaar 3gb mas2alat ili yammi: hi madam (3ishtaw:$) would u like juice, me: no thank u.. 3gb 1 min tiyiy mutheeefa thanya 3al yimeeen: halaw would u like juice, me (again):) no thank u.. ba3daiiiin lama iyoon 7athrat ilmotheefaat yaboon iwaz3oon towels, ashoof ilmotheefa ili 3al yisaar ta36ee ili yammi(3ala yisare) oo it6awifni bes agool ib mo5ii ee 3ade al7een ilthanya tiyiy, bes alah isalimkum lama yet motheefat il yimeeen 3a6at ili yammi(min 9oob il thane) oo sakibatni!!! Fa ana 3a9abt:
ya srayain ya thalma

- ana kila ajabil iljna6 wihya ti6la3 fa abe a3arf laish jan6iti wala mara i6la3at awal wa7da… wala a7tarr seeda yaw 5athaw jan6at-hum ma3a hal wayh

- ana wa7da ma7ib asheel 3ala galbi jna6 oo chyass fa allah i3afe ili i5tara3 il3arabanat.. bes min 7isin 7athi il jameeel kil 3arabana a5ith-ha feeha 3illa! Ya matamshe seeda.. aw itwa9wi9.. aw ma tamshe 5air shar.. ya3ni wala mara yatli wa7da 9a7ya

- ana bafhem il 6ayarat mita ibyistaw3iboon ina akilhum ZIFT, ya3ni yaybeen menus fa ikoon 3abali ina il akil shay oo taris il ma6ba5.. fee akil ili il kil i7iba fa laish iltifilsif isawooonli 3aish o diyay oo simach. Ya3ni ishyabeela il bo6a6 wila chicken nuggets, ilsandwiches oo fe 50 alf no3 sahalat ish7alat-hum.. lazim i3a8doon il mawthoo3

- itshoofooni raka eedii 3al misnad ish7alati oo ba3dain faj2a 6ORBAAAH ila maaara il motheefa wiya 3arabanat-ha oo tikfa5ni ib 3atham ko3eee.. shi3ooor ghareeeb oo i3awerrrrr ma7iba

- akrah ma3indi lama iga3doon il wa7d oo uhwa nayim.. ya3ni ta3baneeen oo naymeen nooma ish7alat-ha oo faj2a iga3dooni: maaam u want foood?.. ya3ni shayfatni nayma ni6ray lama ag3ad ana ayeeelich agoolich itha bakil laish imta3ba nefsich oo nefsi